The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. [ list = 1 ] will number the listed items.

    [ list = a ] will list the items as a. b. c.

    [ list = i ] will list as roman numerals
  2. (minus the spaces of course)
    • Why I will stalk Spy
    1. He
    2. taught
    3. me
    4. this

    • He
    • Taught
    • Me
    • This

    • He
    • Taught
    • Me
    • This
  3. You forgot something,

    5. He will give me a discount on the new iPhone model.

  4. When was this un-stickied?
  5. A while ago
  6. Test:

  7. Hate To break it to you dilly but you forgot [.code] [./code]
  8. 
  9. 
  10. Test

  11. This one is so much more thorough than the currently stickied one.
  12. Test

  13. Test... Again
