The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. [Quote="CoS-Dillybar] :cool: Best thread ever :cool: [/quote] Lets see… yeah.
  2. [Colour=yellow] my first attempt [colour]
  3. [Colour=yellow] 2 try [/colour]
  4. This didn't help me I don't get it I followd every thing nope not a colour in sight help me please
  5. It's the American spelling: COLOR

    Not colour.

    [color=red]This would be red[/color]
    [colour=red]This would not be[/colour]
    Red text
    [colour=red]Not red text[/colour]
  7. [Colour=red]red text her[/colour]
  8. Lol fail it's hard to get use to American way
  9. Ikr, thats why I love computers :)
  10. It worked!