The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Stop spamming
  2. I was testing them to make sure the bb codes worked, don't get your panties in a wad
  3. If you're thinking about making this a new thread, please don't. Just remove the thought from your mind. It will get trolled, I guarantee it.
  4. No I am not cheese, it is just getting saved in my notes to copy paste when someone makes a thread asking about what equipment drops from which eb
    • I can do it too

    • With CanDoo :lol:
  5. good idea
  6. What am I doing wrong?
  7. You need to add [/color] to the end
  8. Code:
     [Color=Blue] Text will be blue [/color] 
    follow that layout