The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. [rainbow] how??? [color\]
  2. My color is better
  3. K this is a fail ๎…

    [color=#C800346]M[/color][color=#C800069]y[/color][color=#C833000] [/color][collor=#C86500]c[/color]o[color=#BAhC800]l[/color]or is better
  4. That's how u do it๎ˆฎ it's just code ๎•
  5. Look on
  6. Only rainbow works though
  7. U can't put only 1 color on a idevice like completely red I think on pc u can though ๎„
  8. Hi this is a test
  9. Dilly, you were a true legend...