The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Oops this is the end result! Had it set on One-way. :lol:
  2. Thanks rose this hopefully looks quite sick
  3. I'll stick with this.
  4. Rainbow is cooler
  5. I DID IT **** YEAH
  6. Did this work [/color=blue]
  7. I'm awesome[/color=blue]
  8. [ color=red]text[/color] use that but without the space at the start
  9. Nope it's like this

    hi [\color] or

    [\color ] without space
  10. No u use / not \
  11. [size=200][b]rainbow is the ultimate[/size][/b]
  12. Aww dammit didn't work right
  13. hopefully this color looks good
  14. lol this color is kewl
  15. [Italic] just testing it out[/I]
  16. [200] SUMMER IS HERE[/200]
  17. U just use an I with italics don't need the full word