The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  2. No more tests

  3. I'm good ortho
  4. HTML:
  5. How do you do websites?
  6. Dim gray :roll:
  8. This Is LightSalmon :p
  9. Hey everyone look what you can make using BB codes off this:

    *NOTE: this guide is for iPod/iPhone users only*

    I have recently seen multiple people asking how to upload ss to the forums so I am making this guide to show you how.

    You need:
    1 Photbucket which u can download from app store

    2 The ss that you want to upload (ss can be taken by pressing home and lock buttons at the same time)
    Home and lock buttons:

    3 A basic understanding of how to make good posts on the KaW forums

    Step 1 taking ss

    To take a ss you need the thing you are taking a ss of on your screen.
    Press both lock and home buttons on your Idevice at the same time and there should be a flash of whit light and a click as if it's taking a photo.
    The ss will be automatically sent to your photos camera roll.

    Step 2 Uploading

    First you need to open photo bucket and it should come up with this screen:

    Next you press on settings and you should see this screen:

    Click on upload and you should see this:

    Scroll down slightly and click on image size and change the size to 320x320:

    Now you can upload photos and ss that can be put on the KaW forums

    Step 3 Posting on Forums

    To post an image on the forums you need the image code.
    To get the image code click on the i in the bottom right corner of the screen.

    It should come up with this:

    Click on the bottom box and it will copy the image code to your clipboard.

    Paste the image code into your post on the forms and your picture will show up.

    I hope this will help someone any feedback please post below.

    If I receive feedback I will update appropriately.



    P.S. The photo of the possum was taken by me in my backyard
    The original pis is below:

    An app that I find useful is crop for free it means you can crop images before uploading.
  10. Bbcodes: (testing if I can still do all the becomes for idevice) :)

    Font bbcodes such as:

    [IMG]picture IMG code[/IMG]
    [URL=website URL]website link[/URL]
    size 50 text
    size 200 text
    bold text
    italicized text
    underlined text

    And color:

    [color=color]colored text[/color]
    red text
    blue text

    Just put them together:

    [color=red][b]bold red text[/b][/color]
    bold red text

    *hope the
     bbcode was right, I kinda couldn't remember 