The KaW Chronicles Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. D: Thought it was a new chapter. XD
  2. Aaww cute bump for you're girl friend
  3. But as I was getting there I had a sneaking suspicion it could be a noob like hulk posting on the story..
  4. So, who be thy girlfriend?
  5. dont worry bout it
  6. You just reminded me of my cousin. All day he kept saying don't worry about it and later, we were trying to get his safe open and I said I found the key, he asked where. I said don't worry about it. :3
  7. I have only one problem with it and it's that the pages are extremely long and the hog ram like crazy on my Itouch. It is a long thread story but a long story hasnt stopped me before I just wish it was done like one chapter a post or something to cut down the ram used on a page.
  8. He said and the hog ram like crazy.
  9. What is a hog ram?
  10. I do not know.
  11. Oh...some more of Alexandria's powers are about to be revealed, plus, all battles are about to merge :)
  12. :D When new chapter?