I think it's funny how the only reports of hits are on the smaller clan members, and then just one guy. And yet, apparently we are being felt sorry for...all this...stupidity is giving me a headache. I'm starting to forget why I'm even doing anything against your clan... *sigh*
I was playing all civilized until I read more bullying on the lower members walls in I-train. That's not cool. So I'm gonna destroy props clan lower members for giggles. Especially the ones that contribute alot to the EBs.
civilized? LOL. Tell me what you want us to do, stop harassing the clan? As I said before, bring in all your sub-clans and Ethe'real if you want. Look at the title. It's us against Ethe'real, and your subclans. Most of us are all ex-Ipeace, ex-Itrain and ex-Ethe'real members. You should've treated us better. Civilized? BS.
Look here fiyah you left out of Your own free will. You knew how we operate. Then you turn around and start hitting our sub clans. Yeah not cool. In any case I don't care what your reasons are now. Wars break up the boredom of EBs.