The Journey/SIgn-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by WW1225, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. U should join iwrite co we help anybody who wants it
  2. I've thought about it, I'm probably a little 2 young 2 b a writer though
  3. Name: Freddy Uppity Cop Krooger
    Race: Evil
    weps: middle finger
    race: tht fat guy
  4. Ok, that's a little odd....ok that's just plan creepy
  5. Not sure how 2 fit it it
  6. That's funny but u arnt to young!! I'm an editor for them so just ask and get in the palringo room (iwrite co)but there are people age 12 there u never too young
  7. Where'd u get that idea moroco
  8. Ahhh, I c
  9. >:O my name is not moroco, and i did it bc i thought u would put his name for short FU... Etc
  10. And im co president of iwrite co.
  11. Sry, stupid auto spelling did it, and now I'm inbaraced
  12. Name: Utho
    Race: Elf
    Bio: An outcast that helps the main characters after they meet him part way in story. Exiled from elven cities (make up a reason). Good with his short curved sword.
    Look: Tall, blonde hair, and a scar on his face
  13. That's a good one untho, I'll have 2 use that one
  14. How about, u were exiled becuz u kept fighting the guards 2 the death, utho
  15. Wx2, how old r u?