I was calculating the inside angle of the 12-sided shape, as I've forgot the formula to calculate interior angles directly. If the angle of a triangle is 75, then that means that the inside angle is 150 as it is formed from two triangles being connected together. Just dumbing down the math when finding 75, as opposed to skipping a step. It's useful for people who don't know how to solve the problem in the first place. More of an explanation as opposed to an answer.
Maybe I bend math a lot always been y I'm good at math skipping steps I see 150 out the gate knowing that it makes a right angle in 3 turns meaning they make 30 degrees at each turn or can run back to the 360/12 and so on and see its 150 out the gate the slipting makes a lot more unneeded math to me but then again I pissed off every math teacher I ever had for knowing the answers off the bat for what I view at simple questions lol to say this isn't solvable is silly and stupid. Could just as easily just double the 30 though so even I did a little unneeded math lol
This is indeed a correct way to solve the question, as the outer angle is equal to the inner angle (angle between two tangents of a circle)...
Here is my question.....why do we need this? I took all the required courses in school, trig alg calculus 1 and 2, etc etc etc .....never, not once, in my adult life did I need this. I am not trying to troll, but really??? Other than an engineer building huge buildings or bridges, who uses this crap??? Troll away to my question. I know all you geeks out there want to justify this intellect you have.....my stupid dumb idiotic tiny brain just can't comprehend what you know...I get it