Killjoy a plastic baseball bat likes to hit people with the bat and his race is: Chuck Norris's side (I win)
I wanna be a great friend! Name: Bastion Sex: Male Weapons: Dual swords/lance Appearance: Knight armor Personality: No business, obsessed with killing monsters Background: Monsters killed his parents, he wants to exterminate them all.
There are so many "wants revenge after parents died." there's at least one character on every signup like that
Addicted to what? KaW? Yes. I'd rather play KaW with friends then xbox who are all nerds bent on winning and "pwning". And yeah I have a gf but not much longer.
name: Sir Kyle sex male race human description was born into the Templar order and now spends his time hunting evil weopon: magical broadsword longsword and sheild side: as pure as it gets