The Hunt of a Lifetime/Sign-up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. Killjoy
    a plastic baseball bat
    likes to hit people with the bat
    and his race is: Chuck Norris's side (I win)
  2. Marodo maybe you should make a firis i already made an isan
  3. I kno but in my mh3 game, my character rlly looks like tht. Literally
  4. How did u do the r and trangle like that
  5. The greek keyboard, i have greek, thai, emoji, arabic, hebrew, and american keyboard
  6. I wanna be a great friend!
    Name: Bastion
    Sex: Male
    Weapons: Dual swords/lance
    Appearance: Knight armor
    Personality: No business, obsessed with killing monsters
    Background: Monsters killed his parents, he wants to exterminate them all.
  7. There are so many "wants revenge after parents died." there's at least one character on every signup like that
  8. ....another day, another bump
  9. Bastion it sounds like u have monster hunter
  10. Nope. I used to a loooooong time ago. All I have is an xbox...that I barely play. 
  11. Let me guess ur addicted and have a girl friend?
  12. Addicted to what? KaW? Yes. I'd rather play KaW with friends then xbox who are all nerds bent on winning and "pwning". And yeah I have a gf but not much longer.
  13. Yeah the xbox thing is true kaw was what I thought so...
  14. i the only one bumping?
  15. name: Sir Kyle
    sex male
    race human
    description was born into the Templar order and now spends his time hunting evil
    weopon: magical broadsword
    longsword and sheild
    side: as pure as it gets