the hunger games sign up sheet

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Death_of_a_thousand_corpses, May 2, 2013.

  1. That's ok Jeff there will be one annually so maybe next hunger games
  2. Thanks avatar that really means a lot
  3. You're welcome
  4. So right now i have Jim dark and monster any others interested
  5. So to sum most things up. It is all stats and it will be running near( only near not the exact dates) the 12-18
  6. The me is in
  7. So in total there is 4 spots used out of the 8, 16, or 32 available spots
  8. Add me in, walk me if I'm accepted
  9. I'm in ( most probably)
  10. in depends on time of wars
  11. Stupid decision on time/date. Most are still doing ran ho we war. If u want to b semi successful start in June
  12. There's 3 of these
  13. What's the min size?
  14. Sounds good but i'm too busy
  15. There is no minimum or maximum size since in a system war it doesent matter much
  16. Never i will invade the wars somewhere from 7:30-8:30 on week days and then whenever on week ends
  17. Sign me up!
  18. 7:30-8:30? time zone helps