U gonna update leader board every day rite? Makes sense to ppl need to know how meany more to get feathers,feathers everyware
When it shows only 3000 people have passed 2000 feathers in way over a week.. That goes to show how not interested we are in this stupid promo
funny how devs feel the need this time to say how many players have a certain ammount of feathers. Its still a BS attempt to get our money over crappy prizes that no one gives a crap about it. Face it devs, you tricked players the first time with the fangs failure, wont trick people again. fangs failed, moths failed, season 3 worst season of them all. You are doing a great job devs, congrats. If there wasnt so many rich kids wasting money that arent theirs besides other type of people that like to waste money on a tap tap game with a no sense game mechanics that even devs cant explain how it works, you guys would have been bankrupt a long time ago with such a fail ideas in the last 2/3 years. Please keep ignoring players posts and ideas and only listen to your money friends. Maybe when some day you realize that only a few people actually give a crap about this game it will be too late.
Then...there is no point in using seals or run eb for feathers for the moment.. So, what kind of strategy is that? we lose our interest for this competition right from start!
Devs how about doubling the feather drop for jungle warfare this event is extremely unfair and just like the moths if your not buying seals and spending money you have no chance of getting anything. Why are you devs so greedy? Give everyone a chance double the feather drop for jungle warfare atleast make it 30 per eb. Give us that atleast. I mean moths we used to 30-40 for ebs other then hte. Feather drops are half that. This event is completely rigged for seal holders only.
The problem is devs are letting to little feathers drop from normal ebs. So only people spending money and buying seals have a chance at winning which is most likely the top 100. The top 100 richer kids or adults that have the cash to spend. But the other 95% of the players that are really trying are getting no where with only 15 feathers dropping from jungle warfare the rest of us have no chance. I think devs should think of the majority of the players and not just the rich. But it's typical this is America . In America only the rich are important. Don't forget devs the majority of your players don't have that kind of money. Seals 24/7 is expensive but that's what it takes to win anything good in this event. Selfishness won't help the game expand. Maybe I'm being too liberal I think of everyone not just the small amount of money spenders.
Bud devs are canadian but still greddy as the rest of the world lol Dont bother with this crap event bud, only people that can afford to throw money at devs have any chance, and the banner might be the only little thing worth of getting, the rest you will need to spend more than you will actually receive back. i am not even in tier 1 lol Allie trading is still the best "free" way to grow improving you BFA. But good luck trying to buy allies from top 200 in lb
Lol nice one bludragon . I wasen't aware they are Canadian . I have some Canadian friends none that are greedy. The way the devs made this event seemed like an American thing lol. Oh well your right it doesn't really matter they have shown where their intentions are at. Yeah I'm thinking of just quiting this event and going back to doing ss and tsg. I have almost 6k feathers and I been spamming jungle warfare day and night with very little sleep and I still can't keep up with the rich kids and adults spamming hte. Yeah so the secrets out only seal holders have a chance here. I really would have liked to have had that banner. It's really sad devs don't give all their players a chance. Ild even be happy if hey doubled the drop for jungle warfare in feathers.
Welcome to the world of greedys at war bro :lol: You have 5k of feathers more than me, and i do hte few times during day :roll: