The Great Quetzal Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Where's kuzmich?
  2. KUZMICH said he's not participating in this one...
  3. Was thinking the same thing lol looked over leaderboard 3x lol
  4. I'm on tier 1, gonna pass it soon.
  5. Interesting that no one on this list is even on track to achieve the highest reward tier
  6. Why is this thread under wars? Do the feathers hit back?
  7. They do. They tickle each cheek, before they pin your arms and bend you over. :eek: Just kidding. Everyone knows ata is against things that hit back. :D
  8. Damn I hope so. :| :lol:
  9. Hopefully Feathers drop more as the event progresses. B2B HTE seems to be the best strategy.
  10. Okay, off-system pvp was yet again exempt from this event.

    I will give a clear warning now. Next event OSPvP gets exempt from (unless we get our updates) These leaderboard players will be stripped and pinned.

    I will play nice this time with pushing for OSPvP because I am not one to make eb players a target of my fun, though next event, I will go against myself and Strip farm the Leader board of dev created events that ignore Off System Player vs Player (OSPvP)

    Someone has to make a stand, and I will make that stand.
  11. no kuzmich ? no one will reach 100k :lol: :lol:
  12. Well technically kuzmich is participating he's still doing b2b hte and probably war
  13. I notice the people that were on top of the moth hunt list ain't bothered with this hunt. Once bitten twice shy ha ha ha
  14. Where is KUZMICH :eek:
  15. Can you tell me my exact spot on here community?
  16. I don't understand the logic of doing ebs and getting same amount of feathers for doing 15 actions and doing 500 logic what so ever
  17. Updated now :)
  18. No sunday updates right?