The Great Quetzal Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. How is 77k in a day even possible, im sure thats not mathematically possible :/
  2. Congrats on takin the lead back sk!
  3. actually it is. Is just no one is used to seeing 8-10 clan jumps and hour. I stopped jumping on saturday. You can clearly see im dropping slowly. Many are still pushing to regain their top spots. Is mathematically possible. Its just incredible to watch
  4. Didnt take clan hopping into acc, nice tactic !!
  5. well this battle for 1$t is starting to get interesting
  6. Thank you kaw_community
  7. Just a suggestion, but it would be great if the final list detailed the entire top 100 rather than top 25 so that this group is acknowledged for everyone to see.
  8. Devs put all top 100 in final update plz️
  9. As much as i support the displaying of all top 100, that is kind of the point of our banners.
  10. Over 50,000 players and only 100 of 3400 get big bonus? Devs rethink that please.200K + here.
  11. Are these hackers
  12. One question about the statistics- for tier 1 over 51000 people achieved it. Does this mean over 3000 of these people achieved level 9.5 or does it mean 3000 people outside of this group achieved that tier?
  13. they are included in the total
  14. mmm, I would have assumed that the kaw population was greater than that. Less than 52,000 achieved T1; half of them are probably ALTS so maybe just about 25,000 active players?
  15. New event!: The Sun's King

    Celebrating summer!! YAY!!! Jk. Don't put this in KaW 
  16. Such tryhards, doing escape 24/7 all day gee, I really got no time for that lol good luck leaderboard quetzal peeps
  17. I hear super killer was a big ole baby about possibly not being first. Towering up and farming Katie. Hope he keeps those towers ... He's going to need them
  18.  yeah, for days.
  19. Well i finished with 380k feathers. If i don't make top 100 i won't complain, because whoever does seriously deserved it.