The Great Quetzal Hunt (Final EB Out Now!)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    We at Satisfaction-Guaranteed (and our sub clan Hot N Bothered) have gone to great lengths on the prior events to maximize the promo. For the moths we had 2 guys in the top 10 overall for most all of the promo and almost all of our members and visitors hit their "mark" for what they wanted to get.

    However, after looking at this one and taking the general tone of the clan members....we're good thanks, we'll skip this one. If we happen to run some stuff that does drop feathers and we get something for free, great.

    However, not a single one of us can figure out how you guys read through the feedback after the moth event and came up with this promo as a result. Your decisions for this game over the last few months are simply baffling. EB's that no one can run, s3 and then Chaos Wars with no major changes to the system, an even LONGER promo when the one unanimous major complaint was the length of the moth hunt?

    I really truly have to think that ATA has seen some significant change in management and/or employees working on KaW. Your folks' approach has become a joke. Did ATA previously have a great employee who thought things through and has now been promoted or moved to work on another game? Did some guy quit or get fired? If so, bring that guy back at any cost because damn near everything you have turned out since Nov/December of last year has been garbage.

  2. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    This is just getting stupid. Enough promos. I want the social aspect back
  3. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

     couldn't have said it better Thanatos
  4. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    And another crap campaign from ATA Developers!
    This Game is becoming more and more a NON WAR game! Let it be peace and all kingdoms color their kingdoms with colorful feathers! and the carnival can begin! wooohoo!!

    I thought with the end of the S3 ..we're gonna have a change!!! a new type of wars or a change in the system or something!!!!
    Instead... we get feathers! oh boy!!!

    PS: i'm starting to take in consideration the retirement from this so called war game!
  5. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    80k? 
  6. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    What do quetzal skulls do?
  7. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    @Kaw_Community; In my customer review thread on the last promotional K.Admin had responded to suggestions and said the next promotional would be shorter and there would be stats provided for the equipment that is dropped so people can decide how hard to push for any given tier but neither of these happened. Why?
  8. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Hi KaW, what stats are the equipment you get for 50K feathers, thanks :)
  9. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    I hope it's spy based, it sort of fits the theme dont you think?
  10. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    gimme 1k free my goal is 8k
  11. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Please tell us the stats of the equipment and allow your customers to decide on whether they are worth spending money on.

    I'd never consider buying an item in real life with out knowing the specs...why would you think we should do that here.

    And for all those that are saying it's free...get aren't going to make the higher Equipments without money...
  12. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Seeing as this involves the Unkari, like the Unkari Ice Tree, it's probably a spy banner. It sucks that only 100 people will receive it though. :(
  13. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    I remember this too bro, maybe we need to dig for the quote from Kaw_Admin?
    Shouldn't be too hard...

    2 Months is too long for such an event and what's the point if the equipment usually becomes sub-par compared to the rest. We DEMAND to know what we are getting into devs. Until then, I won't spend a penny for this event.
  14. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    There you go councillor I sent you some of mine :)
  15. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Only top 100 get banner seems alil too exclusive considering the amount of people playing the game n how many people will be trying for the new banner.. With all the effort I think at least the top 1,000 should get the banner I mean throw us customers a bone n this also goes for alts you know how many people have alts and how many of these people will have more than one account in that top 100.. It already seems pointless to try
  16. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Nice pvp changes which your introduced in late jan or early February !! I'm so happy you finally changed something after more than 3 years  well done devs, you lied again :) who could expect that 
  17. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Newsfeed got wiped and never got end payout at end on none of my alt.
  18. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Could we also have the spear and the bracers the hunter in the eb thumbnail has :p
  19. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Thanks for a new Crappy EB that drops crap for feathers. You would think with the high numbers you need to get for a decent reward that the EB released for the event would pay better.

    I bet this is the DEVS way of creating a new thing to have ppl complain about to draw attention from the sorry war system and match up system. Great job on wasting time on creating another failed avenue in kaw. The EB is stupid and not worth the effort. But you are going to release another crap EB in this series in 2 weeks which is time you could put into fixing the war system issues. Way to go.
  20. Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt

    Will the 50k boots even compare to the SR Boots for someone high stats? Or does this benefit small players 
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