The Great Quetzal Hunt (Final EB Out Now!)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. Im working so hard for a banner but 46k feathers i hope 70k
  2. stay at 16k

    you get enchanted crown of thorns
    aka the crown placed on top of Jesus's head
  3. Please give us one more raffle on 7th may DEVS been unlucky for 7 times straight hope some more get lucky....please consider thx
  4.  90k banner has an extra feather not just arrows and spears for all you complainers 
  5. Still why only 1 (ONE) xtal every tier?!
  6. So would the crown be a trinket or helm? I who like to clear my confusion....
  7. It's a helm
  8. How will the pro pack banner differentiate from reg banner??
  9. So its ending 8th may 3am SGT? Confused with the different timezones
  10. @Tyees
    Where do you know that from? Because all the other equipment labeled 'crown' falls under the trinket category. I don't see why this one would be a helmet.
  11. why carnt the event end today but keep the eb going for a chance to let people use there skulls
  12. This one is indeed a helmet.
  13. Community, since it's a "helmet" does it have attack stats or do we have to wait to find out?
  14. You'll have to wait just a bit longer :)
  15. I know everything 
  16. I'm bad at waiting. Patience isn't my thing, but okey dokey...
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