Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) Hopefully... all this hard work hunting for feathers pays off and the equipment is decent ..
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) It's just so sad....yet again, the millionaires, insomniacs and footballers wives playing this game win..except for the fact that most of the equipment you end up with is worse than the stuff you get from the ebs any ways. How about a collection hunt instead that you can keep collecting from until you get the equipment so everyone has a chance and not a select few of multi-billionaires. You could still do the hunt from a certain period of time in the year but allow people to maintain their tooth, moths and feathers count so that they can work towards the better items instead of taking them away and swapping them for the achievement crumbs of the campaign. Those who want them NOW can pay for them, like they do for the rest of their KAW account (HFLC by using infinite HTE seals b2b doesn't come cheap) but those who can't do that can enjoy the journey like most players working their way up the ranks. It might take longer for some to get the best items from each hunt but hell! I've been playing this game for over 5 years now. I'm used to waiting. Seriously. Have the devs actually ever played this game? If you dangle a carrot in front of the donkey, he should get to eat it at the end of the journey...think about it
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) Raffle in 2 days god I've these let's see if I win this time
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) I'll take the unkari boots but with the quetzal boots stats pls
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) I like it it's not bad thanks devs keep up the work i would just say keep the time of it lower but dont change it in the middle.
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) I thought I was doing good at 8k then I saw the rewards go all the way up to 90k
Re: The Great Quetzal Hunt (3rd EB Out Now!) Does really 100lucky random player's got 2seal and 1000feathers