The Great Bone Hunt: Absolution of Souls

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Jano can u go back to wherever whiney ingrate noobs come from and stay gone this time?
  2. So when are we having an event or something to get banners with spy def that is obtainable or for everyone
  3. Here we go again with more  Whts the point being BC when u guys give away 50% one week n ug tokens the next. so loyal customers who sealed to be BC are slapped again.
    Message u sending me is ' Oi u stop making in app purchases and spending to EE war because next week the mith gear u won is in market place n be 75% off ug buildings because new friggin lands coming'
    Oh any more lies coming....I.e we won't increase s4 tokens cause unfair...lmao u guys  tho us brainless noobs still open r wallets,
    Cause we kaw addicit...devs I av a issue kaw is my drug..u guys offer AA or rehab ???
  4. Wall of text 

    What I skimmed over that I feel compelled to answer: devs didn't lie to you. They didn't say they weren't going to increase mes.
  5. It_burns_when_i_eb, consider this name, your battle losses tell me how much you pvp.
  6. Because your 91-92% win ratio says much better?
  7. Firstly I can show you spy losses and assassinations, bet it is way more than yours. Which is sad because this account is under a year old.Secondly, didnt I say this wasnt my original account? It had over 20 k losses but w/e. Burn those ebs buddy
  8. Soo are the devs going to respond on what hfbc will do with the gold tokens?
  9. Will we get items for the event from an eb we started before the event started?
  10. Oh i forgot. You're the only one who could possibly have an alt account that pvp's…whatever kid. Go whine about "the gap" again. I loved that part
  11. Does anywone know if the weapon is main or offhand?
  12. Yes u will get parts from Ebs already started before the event started
  13. Me? I have no alts. Keep talking about stuff you don't know about, then everyone can see how dumb u are
  14. @Kaw_Community Do you have to make 200 of the 4 things or Have 200 of 1
  15. I'd like to see you do something about it, and If you keep burning that Eb I'm sure you will make a lot of progress in your efforts
  16. So your a resetter or you quit and came back. Makes no difference to me. Stupid is as stupid does
  17. Not worth my time to keep chattin away with you. This is getting way off topic. We can talk in newsfeeds later if you'd rather but you dont look very profitable to me.
  18. Fight fight fight
  19. K go hit me with that big boy account. Pretty please
  20. Show us the pictures 