After the amount i spent in game just to make top 1000 all i can say is those i hope to god u top 10 pay 10 times more taxes than i do
I hope next event will be little less plunder (pay to play) based. Otherwise I'm still happy for the free stuff.
Missed only few limbs to reach 400... fantastic.... same for my friends... few short to reach goal.. meh...
The event is now over. We're going to be getting the final leaderboard results shortly, and will then process sending out rewards. Note that as there are MANY people who participated it will take some time to get them all sent out.
I think this was a good event ... I'll give it a grade of "C". The idea of collecting different reward parts from various EBs is certainly a good one. However: 1. The drops from HTE were so disproportional to all other drops as to make this in fact an HTE event. While I have no quibble with the Dev's understandable desire to encourage expenditures, it seems that the gulf between HTE and everything else was so wide as to have a material adverse impact on the event for many, many players. 2. The reward structure lacked inflection. Unless my math is wrong, a gain of 600 limbs and a gain of thrice this amount (i.e. 1800 limbs) produced the same reward. Sorry, devs; however, I think you could take an extra few minutes and programme a more sophisticated reward structure. It would be for your own good ... many "average" players gave up on the Bone Hunt long ago.
Great event, very nice rewards. Thanks to all who participated, the competition was what made it enjoyable. GL to all who went after lb rewards!
Please devs I need 26 more to hit 600 mark , help a kaw man that's losing his job over addiction of kaw out plus
what about top 2000 ? or all that have moore than 1000 items? should take reward as who has 600? seems a bit unfair ! devs??