The Great Bone Hunt: Absolution of Souls

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. That would be much better in its own thread rather than on a random page in the official thread.
  2. Are they all enchantable with inferno/aqua or Mith?
  3. Raise the drop for HTE please! Only getting 5-6 per eb... Why so little when prizes are so high?
  4. I like this event.

    6 on hte? i havent got under 12 and thats with a half unload o.o
  5. Probably because of your build.
  6. I got like 50 on hte each time? 1 Unload hitting both item. Phases are always ffa.
  7. Lol how's war paying ?
  8. Can we get a leader update?
  9. i like events but i hate it when i cant even make it even to top 1000 (sigh) :(
  10. Once again we have an event that to do well, one has to spend $. Come on...the difference between reg haunt and HTE is tremendous! 25 or more ea item from later, but only 2 of 1 item from reg haunt. When can we see an event solely based on activity and actions?
  11. i found a bone, big one, bout 7 inches, hard.

  12. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!

    You said bone.
  13. Jeez Willy! I didnt know you had such a perverted mind! Clearly I was talking about something entirely different..
  14. Phart........
  15. I'm digging this promo..lots of goodies for the taking. it'll be a good one this go round..can't wait to see lb list. good luck ppls!!
  16. At what point will there be a leaderboard? Would like to see what kind of pace we are on.
  17. I'm asking the same thing lol Maybe when they show the first banner?

    Personally I'm at 1486 but Ive heard people have over 2,000 already
  18. If they have over 2000, most likely a ps.
  19. Unless you do hte you literally get 1 limb per epic battle. That is wrong