the gratest player who eber live. a poll.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. Twicc 3k one else can match his .......whatever
  2. Why is your grammar so bad?
  3. Laisser, best players ever
  4. Chester the fuhrerious
  5. -Alucard-
  6. This is leanin heabily towards salty aka goat.
  7. Ill send my vote to Manbearpig5. Wutta legend.
  8. Twicc name has been mentioned the most. Thats a win
  9. Sure it is a win.. Besides you, saltyfeet, Pusang and some others who were absolutely not sarcastic (ROLF) Twicc the megalomaniac 3K gold wins it all... 
  10. These poor sap has neber sin 3k in his life. Thats y he impresed.
  11. [ATA]Grant is course
  12. Silph and Takuni been grinding on that LB since Chongo was on top
  13. Well, there are many that i could mention. Some friends and even some (ex-) enemies.

    Twicc for sure was quite a legendary player.
    But to stay with active players id like to mention ajax.
    He is really a cyco never backing down on noone as it seems to me. A very experienced fighter who dont hesitates to even go single against whole war-clan families.
    Im not involved in details but i think he is a very good example of people who play kaw really war-style. I like that.
  14. Harbinger of wrath
  15. VaIkyl_ is de grates player to ever life
  16. While I respect Ajax’ tenacity and his hilarious WC rage, he honestly just attacks everyone like a blind dog in a meat locker. He’s just super active and a bigger spender than most.