1. Jac 2. Jac 3. Hdc 4. Jac 5. Hax 6. *cough* Jac 7. My nipple: Lac 8. My left cheek(whichever cheek you think I mean): far 9. Forehead: hfgn 10. My earlobe: ntn
Realboy: ReaLnoy Realbnoopiy3(harder than it looks) Realboyu3 Realghoy3 Realboy3(knuckle) The number got me in the beginning.
1: javabeter 2: java.dger 3: hacHwdsd 4: jqfahefdf 5: uavwmetet 6: (Shoulder lol) ja abager Dont judge me
I'm just imagining people walking in while you all type with your tongue. That's gotta be a weird one to explain.
1. Eyes closed 2. Elbow 3. Chin 4. (optional if you have a gross screen) tongue 5. Heel 6. Anything else you can think of (to all the guys, yes, that does mean what you think it means.) Lmao well, I'm not doing 3 because I have a full beard atm, and not doing 4 or 5 because I have a 200$ keyboard, and I'm not doing 6 because I'm not feeling very creative today, but in the spirit of the thread.. heres 1 and 2.. 1. L EGA:LSA LOL and 2.. 9io80pjkmredtgysawQOLPDSXEQW Yeah.. that was a lot harder than I thought hahah Well played OP, well played. OmegaLSA