The gamers feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *krypton134 (01), Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Lol I'll try not to.
  2. Don't forget me lol you probably already have but it's all good when will chap. 3 be out
  3. ^^^^^^ ignore what I said lol I didn't check the story sorry for the idocracy
  4. Btw when I was reading ch.2 when you described Stephen I thought it would be me for some reason  Wierd,huh
  5. Thanx kryp and plz don't make him a fat guy
  6. Krypton when do ya think ch.3 will be up?
  7. Idk when the next chapter will be up, haven't started on it yet, Lifes getting busy lol.
  8. Oh you did NOT just bump a thread. OH! :roll:OH! :roll: NO F-IN way!:roll::roll::roll:
  9. The next post is the end of the previous chapter, it will be very short,
  10. Well that's the end of chapter one I guess lol.
  11. Great job
  12. Thanks, I really appreciate your complements :D
  13. Bump and excelent job btw
  14. Chapter 2 will be up either today or tomorrow, I still need 3 villains, one for eart, fire and water.
  15. next chapter is up.
  16. D: no don't kill off the main character now..... Well even if he is just in a game and will come back again but w/e lol not my story lol
  17. Wow That was quick lol.