The forums are terrible today

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wordwaster, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Ummm 
  2. um what? you were never curious about the inner workings of a woman's mind before?
  3. You bought drinks for a woman? What an idiot. Sorry but us true masters never by drinks.
  4. I treat every girl a little different,it's depends how they look, carry themselves,and what I wanna do with them.Good girls get treated nice at first and I'm like a gentleman for awhile,until she gets turnt out than I don't care if don't wanna wife her I won't wanna see her anymore.Bad girls I treat really really good and I act like a good guy,I'll tell her anything she wants to hear just to get at her than depending on how good it was I'd keep her around.Fat girls just show a lil attention maybe give a few complements but act like a jerk they'll love you forever.
  5.  Ok....I'm sure many girls seen your tiny  too...Master 

  6. Oh, chubby has been looking at my equipment. That pretty creepy. You addicted to the backdoor, there chubbs? Sorry but my bod is strictly for the babes. 
  7. Yes forum is terrible this days. No substance, just jumbled words like this thread.

    Why do you have to write this? Wil you get any kind of gratification if someone answet you?

  8. Your obsession with me has become distrubing.

    Please stay at least 400 yards away from me and my family.

  9. Better start hiding yo kids and yo wife
  10. He spent HER MONEY. He bought them, but with her money.
  11. @D3vil

    Well, that's a different story. Lol. Usually it's the chicks that are buying me drinks. 
  12. At least we know what kind of guy you are
  13. Frog is so awesome.
  14. Willy, you should look up the definition of obsession. Maybe you will actually learn something today :)

    Using someone as an example means your obsessed with them? Damn you're an idiot :lol:
  15. See, there you go again.

    Look, Oli, I know I was kind of rude to you and you feel dejected, but I just can't be your friend.

    I know you can't help trying to make it seem everyone is "dumb" and "an idiot" to make it seem like you are some sort of forums Einstein, I understand.

    Just stay 400 yards away from me and my family.
  16. Please tell me you didn't take Deni out again....
  17. Willy your brain can't seem to grasp the fact that I use you as an example to show people what not to do. To go from being a fabulous forumer to the trash you are now.

    Forum einstein? No, there are quite a few people in forums more intelligent than I. You are not one of them.

    Please keep your family away from me. If they are as stupid as you, I don't want to have anything to do with them :)
  18. So sad.

    Bro it's ok. Someday you'll be ok, but for now you just need some help. Don't be ashamed, life is hard. Sometimes we all need a hand.

    Please refrain from contact with myself and my family until you are a little less "stalky".

  19. Beautiful Thread