The Forum Clan

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Zethryr, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Re: The Forumers

    Calling a 137mcs player. The most cunning of strategies. Was it Zeth's main?
  2. Re: The Forumers

    Cow is Zeths main :lol: actually I need to talk to him about his accounts I have a theory
  3. Re: The Forumers

    When you see 327 assassinates in our war roster, I can proudly say I am the one that does the most assassinations!
  4. Re: The Forumers

    I can vouch for that 
  5. Re: The Forumers

    No. Our tactics will remain a secret. It had nothing to do with the 137 mil cs guy coming.
  6. Re: The Forumers

    Good War 
  7. Re: The Forumers

  8. Re: The Forumers

    So I might've accidentally just disbanded not realizing I was the owner. Oops.
  9. Re: The Forumers

    The clan only lasted 5 days.
  10. Re: The Forumers

    I didn't realize I was owner and tried to leave. It was early I wasn't paying attention. My bad.
  11. Re: The Forumers

    No support. Quit Kaw Zeth, you suck
  12. Re: The Forumers

    Will you reform the mighty forumers? Maybe forumers uncensored ?