The Fix.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 6, 2015.

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  1. We've been doing things to help players of all different ranges. Be it the lowland unlock for new players, plunder bonuses, blood rains, and even the old building tokens or spyglasses. Everything meant to help people move forward.

    In regards to allies and plunder, it's something we're looking at, but I don't have anything specific to share right now. The lowland unlock and bonus items for new players has certainly helped though. The new screenshots and app store presence should also help with getting you guys even more new users, meaning more allies :)
  2. Thanks for looking into it.

    I feel this thread has achieved it's goal in getting clarity and highlighting some of the kawmmunities desires in this game.

  3. Lock per op request.
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