The Fix.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 6, 2015.

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  1. So you're saying that because not everyone can do this new EB we shouldn't release content for some of our players who have reached that point? There's already a vast amount of content for lower level players, including EB's, equipment, events, and more. There's always going to be people not at the end-game levels, so should we never release new end-game content and have people get bored and leave?

    Also, Lowlands is in there as, if you read the story, the EB is essentially born from the lowlands, taking on the elements of the area, including forests for wings.
  2. I know. I am going to retract my comments here as admit that I am wrong about the epic battle.

    My apologies with that and your point is valid on the EB.

    I am still worked up about nothing good happening yet for new and mid build players (past paying to play) and I was wrong here.

    I get the epic battle release. And still had my mind warped around other things talked about earlier.
  3. Now, KAW com,

    A question to end my little 2 day crusade. Do y'all plan to do something the help new and mid build players?

    As in, make events that they can compete In fairly against leaderboard players (doesn't have to be every event)

    And for new players, are you at least looking at resolving their problems with allies and mp. I know if you could do something to give them max plunder for the duration of their new spell, it would go a long way in retaining new players. Rather it be that or something else? Do you have any examples or any ideas on how to fix these issues?
  4. Leave my thread chubby
  5. When i saw title, not gonna lie, i thought of cocaine
  6. I thought of Heroine
  7. Release some new ebs for smaller guys they dont have to pay well and should'nt pay well some variety would be nice.
  8. Don't hate on Chubbs Rusted, it's not his fault he lacks the necessary intelligence to post anything constructive at all.

    He thinks he's really funny, so just humor him so he doesn't have an "episode".
  9. Rusted I agree with you it's hard to grow mainly because all the small allys people need to get mp are getting bought I suggest maybe giving a few bbs to atleast help them get mp
  10. You guys realize that it's easier to grow now than it has ever been before right?

    Promos, events, hte, new player package, price cut on buildings, etc. All in an effort to help the smaller players.

    It's the point I think where a player starts to open up the HF that they begin to feel discouraged. So yeah, the mids between 20m and 35m cs or so.
  11. @inferno

    I grow with the help of a blue pill.
    More effective than HTE.
  12. You weren't the only one that got hoodwinked by this. I saw "lowlands" in the facebook post and thought "Wow! Finally new content for the low/mid range! They are finally listening to us!" and then what do i find when i bring up the eb list "Extremely Difficult"

    There's nothing wrong with providing content for the end game. That's a natural progression that keeps the spenders spending. But to say that an Event Leaderboard widget is catering to low/mid players is nonsense. Only spenders and members of spenders' clans get close to any leaderboards in events.

    The thing with Foxes was ridiculous. To claim it was an "honest mistake" is hilarious.

    What the community needs is fresh content/features to help new players!
  13. Just remember that if you're growing for more than 4 hours a day, you need to consult a physician.
  14. Inferno what you got to remember is these people are only looking down, they have no idea what's it's like to be a new player, because they can never be a new player again.

    They are concentrating on the fact that new players can't hold allies, they can't hit new ebs and events favour the older players.

    I can state very good reasons why this isn't true and more towards the fact it's the players themselves ruining the game. But been saying this for long time now and everyone is closed minded thinking they right.

    I admit Im like that as well.
  15. Yes but HTE will enable plenty of growth for players so maybe the devs are promoting an unhealthy lifestyle ?
  16. HTE is expensive and not everyone can pay to play. Losing that player base makes it a lonely game.
  17. Also I am not talking about growing.
  18. Growing is only a detrimental problem for new players rummaging through the depleted allies. That ally market is a major reason new players quit so soon. They never get started and get sucked in by the Social aspect of the game.

    Mid build players and small players really have nothing good going for them. Growing is aggravating, not many players want to Pvp because of this growth. You have to turtle build to EE. Also, unless you spend a good chunk of money, you will only get bottom barrel prizes in these events.

    So again I am suggesting an event that is more fair, despite size and one that can't be won by just spamming HTE.
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