The Fix.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 6, 2015.

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  1. #FoxesDeservedBetter
  2. Yeh I'm not asking for a superbowl commercial but if you get a commercial on normal tv saying you are #1 pvp mmorpg your player base would be flooded I have to ask where the money is going that you get from your players.
  3. TV Ads within the game industry are still fairly rare. Even more so for mobile games. You'll notice it's only maybe one or two of the mobile giants out there running them. They're immensely costly and nearly impossible to track the results of. As an example, ads on local television stations cost several hundred to several thousand dollars per 30 second spot. If you want a National ad, it can be in the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single 30 second spot. An ad during something like The Big Bang Theory will cost you over $300,000. Basically, you have to be willing to take a risk at throwing money out the window if the ads don't work. Again, not that we won't ever something like this should the right opportunity arise.

    As for where the money goes, there's a large number of costs associated with any live game that people tend not to think of. Everything from server costs, software licensing, employee salaries, office costs, advertising, and more. Despite what some players may think, we don't have yachts.
  4. That's not what you said last night. .....

  5. Any response regarding this? It has been brought up several times over the past few months and I feel like at least acknowledgement that the dev team are looking into it.
  6. Have a new server for new players or a massive clan automatically put new players in where you have dedicated experienced members of the game to help them I know there is many who would do this.
  7. You could even pay these experienced members a couple xtals or whatever for teaching new players and helping them to stick around.
  8. Have a experienced feedback team for each corner of the game osw eb ee to give you feedback on things that matter instead of listening to whiny threads allover forums.
  9. Told y'all :lol:

    Of my graveyarded threads, the pivotal issue was not resolved. Yes the loudest one was, when giving Foxes name back to the clan Foxes. But the main issue was unfair favoritism towards the Moderators.

    Also, my post did not break any written TOU or ROC rules, and none of them reached a point where they could not be saved.

    Maybe I need to revise something I wrote. I do not find it strange that you appologised. Takes a big shark to Appologise. Even though the appology was placed in a locked thread that no one could respond to, one that was already sinking in AT.

    The uphill battle goes towards all of the issues in KAW. From bots, lack of new players, this play to win events that only issue armor. There are more issues than these examples.

    Very important, but there needs to be more done than a look. I bet you have no real idea how hard it is to start this game from nothing and try and grow while grabbing at allies. I would as you to try. Use a hidden account and try to be new. It is hard to be new and start playing KAW, a game that has an unreachable end game, when you are not invested in it yet and you can't even get an ally, you are to small to win an event and it is impossible to find a clan that will let you do a system war.

    Also, I have personally never played a game advertised on FaceBook. Given by how low the number of new players are, I am not the only one. Game of War and Clash of the Clans utilize YouTube and TV to get tons of players. At least try and make a YouTube ad.

    There is also many who do events to keep up, rather they like them or not. I'm not saying end the events, I am saying make it fair. Make an event that lets all players regardless of stats or bank roll compete. You can still keep the current style up too, but throw in some events that everyone has a chance to win.

    PVP events are fun but things like that 59 nob power boost for only one hour of extras is extreme. For 6 bucks I Should get something that last longer than 1 unload. But again, I am happy to see them.

    -Closing. I am not saying that you are not trying. I am saying that you just aren't doing things good enough to retain or gain new players. And then you pull some wack move like giving a moderator a clan with the name Foxes, and brushing it off like it was no major issue.

    You have a passionate crowd. Maybe you can help more by simply posting here and there on these player suggestions. Say something like, we will review this idea. Or hey we like your idea but it may take time to test and possibly implement. Or have some fun and let kaw_creative troll forums again.

    Edit: The player base response here is because the amount of players today compared to 2 years ago, at least publicly chatty ones are considerably lowered. The vets are leaving and no one is hardly joining. And those of us still here, a good bit are annoyed but we still have a love for the game and for each other so we want the game to succeed.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. That does mean a lot.
  10. KaW merchandise, besides the posters. Good start. If I may refer you back to the t-shirt idea.
  11. I'd buy a KaW T-Shirt.
  12. I wouldnt the profit would go to their new game.
  13. We need more PLAYERS like saltyfeet.
  14. Really, Kaw_Community.

    You guys need a counter thanked on your team.

    After responding and listening to our voices about change and about helping newer players and fairer game play, you release an EB that only 5-10% of the top clans/players can hit?

    And to top it off you put lowlands in its name.

    Oh hey! New EB guys! Put lowlands in its name! By the way, no one who only has low lands can successfully hit it. :shock:
  15. Rusted still on your ranting spree about dumb ****, if it wasn't needed and no one will complete it then shut up and let them figure that out.
  16. 
  17. I will post my opinion when I choose. Don't like it, that's your opinion. Unless you have something more to say, I don't really care about your opinion if it is simply going to be just an insult.
  18. Crusty needs a snickers he's acting like a diva
  19. Thanks for supporting me chubs, you are always there to make me look great!
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