Woifie, you are correct, keeping and pushing ideas is a challenge with a declined member base and your forum suggestion is really good. I really like the idea of incorporating a support/no support bottom. Joe_, yes, the legacy of foxes should always be preserved in this game and thank you, mate. It was an honor playing with you and learning from you durning my time in Foxes. Ashes and Frog, thanks for helping distract the Devs and mods! Can't get lazy and risk this thread getting locked because we went too far without a distraction! To the comments of the player base, I feel we should help raise that number, or at least promote activity with those numbers. Forum is a bit stagnant these days. And it is hard to make a popular thread that isn't calling someone out or giving an award. But there is still hope and a desire for quality and we just need to keep the quality up. But how do we ensure fair play? How do we challenge bots, illegal gifting/selling, and file sharing? How do we end a dev bias with mods and whales? -And so do without getting banned and silenced? Now support is only one tool and one that does not work without a community effort. So somewhere there needs to be a safe haven to work towards a better KAW. A place to show ss's of foul play and to organized ourselves. Because soon or latter this expanding bubble of frustration is going to pop and if that happens, the game may not survive it.
I love ha rusty, but the quality of your threads lately has gone down the crapper. You seem at best whiney, and at worst, bitter. This is not like you. I hope real life has been treating you well. If you're going through a rough patch, (we all have them) I hope things turn around for you. It's not fun being angry, depressed, and You are striking me as one or both of these things. (No need to confirm/deny my suspicions. It's your private life and not our business) Anyhow, take care and I hope things turn around soon for you. I miss the old rusty who put up quality threads
When someone talks about the truth... the thread gets locked/graveyarded. Then a Support@athinkingape.com arrived for complaints or concerns. Good job mods, really! Very good keep it up. Hide what was revield.
My real life is fine. I am simply tired of some of the things that goes on in KAW that shouldn't. I use to only bring my issues to support but it never lead anywhere. Yesterday I got results. I also don't see where pushing and promoting the community for change is bad? Or whinny, or mad? I was mad yesterday when I first started. And I didn't jazz my threads up because there was no need. Also, moose, I think you are being unfair in your assessment because you are only referring to my post that was made yesterday. What about my VK nomination thread? Or my revised new player proposition thread, or my KAW cover girl joke thread? Please review further than one day before assuming my life is in the tank and I am taking out my frustrations on KAW.
Wow @ moose to make an assumption like that about someone's real life and then to publicly post it into forums. Shame, I thought you had a bit more decency than that. Would have expected that from a saltyfeet but not from a Moose.
On top of that, to have added nothing productive to the thread, merely a flame against rusted. What a tool you look like moose. Instead of constructively defending ata, you made a bash against a players real life in defense of ata.
Real classy Moose. Rusted is addressing a problem and you attack him under the guise of caring, though someone who really cared would ask privately about personal issues. Go back to being irrelevant you prick.
I enjoy with and agree with these threads rusted , keep em coming I say no matter how many are locked by an idiot mod.
Moose and I have a KAW-friendship. I am taken back by his response though. Either way, let's not fixate on his comment, he and I will discuss his comments either here or in pm when he grabs a free moment. For now let's keep focus on bringing up and finding solutions to the problems in KAW.
Oooh, shiny sharks! Distractions aside, posts are generally locked if they violate the forum Code of Conduct, if they reach a point where they can't be saved, or if the issue in question has been more or less resolved. I do find it odd that you feel things have to be an uphill battle, and that it's "strange" that we apologized for our mistake. We're human and we can make mistakes. When this happens we learn and iterate ourselves to make things better for the next time. There are a lot of people out there with suggestions to make the game even better and we do hear them. We can't do everything right way, but do what we can. The first (and most important thing) we were able to act upon was updating the image of the game and to see about appealing to a wider audience in the App Store. After all, having new players is pretty important right? An event leaderboard is also something that was requested, and something we've personally wanted to implement for some time as well. It's an added bit of polish, and helps give players (both new and old) something to work towards, keeping them engaged. I know not all of you like events, and that's fine. There are many who do enjoy participating in them, but by no means should you feel required to participate in every single one. Heck, based on your feedback we've even implemented events targeted towards PvP players. We may not be able to do everything you want right way, but please do keep the good ideas (and sharks) coming.
We definitely do advertise, and have a team dedicated to getting new users for all of our games here at ATA. Advertising can happen in a number of different ways, including interstitials in other apps, Facebook ads. and more. Advertising is a science though, and while sure you can go blow millions with crazy campaigns or making a SuperBowl ad, you have to figure out if it's really worth it. In many cases crazy ads campaigns don't pay themselves off, and so you have to be smart. Anyways, here's a few we've been running on Facebook over the past few weeks. With most ad networks, we can target specific people, and try to avoid showing these ads to people who already play the game or like us on Facebook.
One of the main fixes that is needed it the change to event equipment. "Why war when you can get better equipment from events" I have heard that far too many times. I understand the events need something to draw people in to participate in it however you also need to increase war participation and making war equipment near pointless is really disheartening for those who war.