@Kaw_Creative @Kaw_Community @Kaw_Admin @Kaw HI NICE TO MEET YOU 4! TELL ME, WHY U NO MAKE COOKIES ANYMORE? And when is the next event of the farmer? I'm sure he has more to do than grow crops.
I like the farmers journey story because it's a cheeky wee pun to farming and i can just imagine kaw_creative going rogue and farming kaw_admin for not making shark eb :lol:
4 equips from new event but only the same amount of aqua inferno I'm never going to upgrade all this crap lol
Looks like a typical dev screw up,timer running eb's being completed after the commencement yet nothing dropping,click on the leaders section and up pops event isn't open
considering, quoting you, "event isn't open" popped up when you try to look at the lb, it might not have started? S5 timer started a week before s5 and no ond complained.
I liked the story made event come to life thr mage was also impressive not failing enchantments an all, which reminds me can I swap mages with the cool story one?
I've noticed the same, we got extra eq to finally end event yet didn't get anymore material to enchant, I know most of us like a challenge but this is cray cray