10 drops from FOD BR n 4 n 7 from HtE. Your clan had 3 from Destroyer. Now everyone knows fact not fiction.
Developers, how about showing that artwork that Kaw_Creative took time to create. It would be better suited if you resorted back to your old event posting techniques. To were the equipment along with its stats would be shown on the event page.
I just noticed that this is almost exactly copy and pasted from the last two events. The only things that change are the bolded words.
And that's a 1 star rating on the AppStore from all my devices, would do 0 stars but it won't let you. Been here since pwars and the only time devs have listened is when everyone sent in 1 star reviews. ️
Sweet we have a part 3. These events are sweet, cheers dev's. I think we should get more stuff if we farm the haters, what you think devs?????
Lol farming ? Don't you mean milking ? That is a type of farming I guess and your farming of our RL cash as you milk us all like the PIC shows your dirty monkeys
Like EB ? Free things ?wake up and stop being so green these events only widen the impossible to close gap FACT! It forces more people to take a "break" from kaw and many to just give it up ! Let's all "farm" hte lol you tool don't be so silly these events bring nothing but a fat pay check to ata and we get milked
Ok last time I'll complain on this thread. You REALLY need to fix the event items drop rate Discrepancy between builds. No way is it fair that spys get 20 to 30% more than comparable att builds, or hybrid making 10 to 15% more than att build. Do you want us all to be ps1 or hybrid fairies to be competitive in this event?
The events benefits everyone. Obviously HTE will pay more drops, but some 15m cs player that's decently active will get 2500 items, and 1k at the minimum if they're in an average clan. That's a FREE 250b or 560b in two weeks that they get ontop of a FREE piece of gear for just participating. Free gold to people without having to pay to increase their stats. Brings more mids to the game and increases activity which benefits all of kaw.