The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. W e d o n o t n e e d a n o t h e r f a r m e r e v e n t , D e v s . P l e a s e s t o p. 
  2. I can't even read the backstory anymore..
  3. This is getting out of hand. Wish the lb who felt this way protested the devs. The devs are just puppets in the hand of lb players.
  4. You gotta be joking right ata?
  5. Are you reading your customer feedback kaw_community?
  6. Why not do nomad arrows again, or crux crusades? Those events were way more fun.
  7. Here we go again...

    Ppl whining n beaking off to no avail.
    Play or pout n get used to it.

    At least if ur against events state what u rather see from the devs.
    Eg S5 or whatever.

    Do u want mor PvP or wars or what?
  8. Why are you even asking? We all know the answer
  9. I guess s5 is part 7 
  10. Normally they list the drop rates of the chest but this time they didnt prob even worse drop rates than before
  11. seriously another one.smh
  12. How original !
  13. Can't wait to be over so you can start another 1
  14. Looks great, congratulate your writers and artists from me.
    Hope I get a seal from those coffers
  15. Because it's simply unfair. Larger players will benefit more from it since they don't need to move around, just stay in a tsg/hte clan and get constant items
  16. @kawcom: Please rotate drops from eb to eb every few days. I'm sick of there being a hunt going on 2/3 of the time during which its the same stale rotation. Ss, ts, aff, tsg. It's boring! And i don't like how it makes lotl and asof impossible to find. We should be able to run any eb we want and still get to participate in these events. Let hte be king. Thats fine. But would be nice if you catered to your non spending players too from time to time. At the rate things are going no one will unlock lotl eq b4 next year. And thats ridiculous.
  17. All of you are getting extra rewards for what you do daily anyway I dont see any problem. Please do more and more of these the bronze bars are fantastic.
  18. And just how many parts are there to this story?
  19. Its called loyalty n bein unselfish.
    My home clan is not an HtE clan btw
  20. I would guess 6 since the equip is going in order