This is completely FALSE. And the number of players that casted is a good indication. I have been active for about 10h over 1 day and a half, and if I continue at the same pace for the remaining time, I'll maybe reach 10k, 15k if I'm lucky. 15k is 500 bandits skulls. This is what I would have done if I didn't opt in for the event, and just unload every hour on a rotation clan. Login, unload, logout. Repeat every hour. I would probably get even more, probably around 750 in these 3 days. So by being fully active, attacking/stealing every 5/10 minutes and finding new targets for 16h over 3 days, I'll get a CRAP payout... PLEASE FIX IT. 2 options: 1) Increase the payout for the Tiers, not talking about top10/top100 (Double it should do). 2) Do an additional Top 200 / Top 500 to make it worth it. Last night I went to bed I was around #150, when I woke up I was around #250 with a gap impossible to cover to Top 100, leaving me, and many others with the 10k / 15k for only hope. And fighting our asses for 250 skulls, it's a joke... :evil: If the rewards stay the same, you can make sure that I will not participate in the event next WE and go back to lurk/unload (killing the game), instead of fighting and being super active (making the game more attractive). And somehow, something tells me that about 2,000 frustrated players will do the same next WE. The choice is yours!
Hilarious absolutely hilarious ! This is the new kaw buddy suck it up and dry those eyes the wallet warrior days are now upon us.You want to win events there is only one way I tell you 1 way! What You have to do is relatively simple, go to the oracle and purchase xstals and then go to market and purchase sod then simply max xstal on hte daily! This will get you lots of skulls and if you want you can mingle it up and simply xstal on your alts or even actually someone else and collect the pvp rewards! Oh but remember if you doing pvp to purchase the 59nobs spells they last a whole hour! So only 1416 nobs a week ! So listen carefully I'll tell you what you need...24 xstal x 14 + 59nobsSpellsx 72 + 8sods x 14... This list will yield your maximum amount of skulls at a alarming rate now good luck and get swiping that plastic !
The top ten and top 100 equipment has a quote and then "(aradmed, 8.11), (testement, 5.10)" followed by the equipments stats. Why is it that the other tier don't have that? Anyone know? Or am I missing something?