Rider i love you but its getting old. You can do plenty well on any of these events for free. Hell most in b2b still only have a shot at 5k. Lots won't make that. Just do what you would do any way and enjoy the free crap at the end. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? If people didn't spend on this game, bye bye free to play game.
This is actually pretty dang great! A little of something for everyone and it helps beginners grow with ease with the huge BB payouts for simple participation
So top ten players names are posted...let's see the farm fest this weekend. I'm sure leaders will opt in to stay on top
Or want opt in lol an carry on stacking skulls, with 2days of pvp it will be brutal XD I'm still having the "do I really wanna risk everything speech" with myself I May wait till last hour an cast a spell then squeeze all the xtals I can in that small time frame An or team up with other spell casters an do a couple hour thing
My event tab still doesn't show the banners either. Just a picture of inferno still. I guess kaw com needs to nudge the devs some more