I think it's dumb that only top 100 gets it that's one clans worth they should open it to top 1-2k winners it sucks that only Kaws elite few get the better equipment going on day 2 we all know 99% of us can't get best eq or flag please change
No support for you, the elite get the better items its how it works. They worked to get there and should be rewarded.
The game needs to be renamed kingdoms against ebs. Kingdoms at war is a thing of the past. Time for an upgrade devs, the same way Google changed its logo.
Hi all, this events are nice and reward is good too but how about thanatic boons.We can open them only one in 24 hours. Isnt it possible to open them faster? I get my 4th and maybe i'll get more but till end of event me and others wouldnt be able to open them all. So it will be great if we can open them faster.
you can! and stop doing b2b hte (havent checked history). You can open additional boons with golden boon key things, for 10 nobs. edit: I was right; b2b hte.
What if you open a boon with 10 nobs and get an xtal. What's the profit? You just turned 10 nobs into an xtal-same whic cost the same (0.99$). And if you get 20 thingies, well, you're screwed. Devs should increase base drop when using a nob-purchasable key.
Depends what you're going for friend. Open 6 for 60 nobs equals a seal cost. Seals give say 90-100 items for both phases, but those 6 boxes gave you 240 items. Less gold, but more event drops.... not to mention the possibility of a seal chance, golden crux, etc. If you're after the gold only then no, but the nobs for event items are actually pretty efficient in the long run.
Sorry got to correct you ... The top SPENDERS get the best stuff ... pay to win ... wont those who drop 1000$ on this game feel stupid when kaw goes poof