Devs what do you have on Your Heads!! Couldnt you just wait 3 moré weeks... We are busy with S5 and you start an EvEnt OMG you really dont care about this game community, you just want money... How spoil are you guys... You should be making The effort of bringing NEW people in to The game not making Your current paying customers suffer with Your bad game decisions.. C'mon. You need some sense...
Really devs this famers journey is bull... Move onto something else. Sheesh. Or should we vote for more interesting devs...
You replying to this and not all the concerns from your players on this and the season 5 thread shows how pathetic communication really is. We have seen over and over y'all promise better communication and it's only gotten worse.
Aaah my heart bleeds. I'm 4/14 with 9 medals n will war til seasons end. U quitters go right ahead. TIP: u want to win then build a non leaky build n not expect ur teammates to carry u.
It actually works perfectly, 300 loaves per win! That gives a boost to your total. How else would you earn 300 in that hour?
What an absolute JOKE devs. its a middle of a freaking war season EDIT: 300 per win ? Eh okay. Its pretty good I guess ... Finally you cater to warriors
*2 1/2 hours. 1 hour prep time+ 1 hour war+ 15min wait to get out of clan+ possible 15min wait for eb to start. Is it about the same then?
How Am I Supposed To Do SS/TSG/AFF/TS rotation in b/w Wars ?? You do realize each of these ebs take 6+ hrs in mid sized clans
Is this event for pleasure or money habit ou guys discovered? 2 events together that's just messed up. Nvm you guys less likely to read this, but you guys spend less time on the game. S5 is a mess where it's clear not mch effect has gone into it.