So for all those wish to learn something about strips here's how a real pro does it... Take note amr_alsuwaidi... So...first our pro hires a couple of small ones and does a couple of steals... All going let's hire them all. In the end... A total of 14 bil out I only have 20ish bil of allies, so that's pretty much me. Then comes the BIG steal.. A gigantic 59,374 gold! Brilliant work by a real pro Try again
With all the devs resetting of inactive allies going on. It is very important that you don't get caught out and lose valuable gold. Get rid of your crap allies or risk losing gold. I have found a guy who will take them. I had approx 50 very crap low stat no stat allies. Now I have only 11 and more golds worth of allies from profit. Even mr biscuit would be hard pressed to sell allies faster than my friend will buy them . Ty Thor. You are a real gem Fail. Try again
Damn. Better bank that stack of gold thar. Now you posted it in the forums, who knows what could happen.
This is why I only keep max plunder. When the strip works and you get caught out its a terrible feeling. You lose everything. Now this really is a pro clan at work They are committed and relentless Starts with dark_soldier buying a couple of small ones to test activity level... Then a couple of steals to be sure... All going well. Time to bring in spud the clans bank... Taking my only main ally to keep max plunder... Followed by the BIG STEAL... An impressive 195 gold. That's me out of the game. Or is poor mochalatte out of the game?