the farm is coming...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. I hate grammar nazi's they need to get a life. And understand correcting somebody's post online just makes them look stupid.
  2. Imo people who correct spelling/grammar in a thread is grasping at straws because they can't think of anything intelligent to say. A desperate attempt to insult someone imo
  3. The korean imbecile refuses to post any evidence. Nice. Keep deflecting with my grammar correction. :mrgreen:
  4. What are the odds his first language is English? Seeing as he has the word Korean in his name¿
  5. What evidence do I need to show? Allison running from an osw ? It's proven by res mdk post. You losing your clan to your protege? It was all over forums a few months ago, all the crying you did.  Also, I'm not the one deflecting from the valid arguments, I brought up points and you deflected by trying to correct my grammar. Why do I need to post proof of events that everyone knows already. 
  6. Also, imitation, when you do 20 bil strips, you don't do steals. It's not worth it to waste xtals stealing from such a low amount. You should get more lessons in strategies of stripping. You being ally less with no plunder bonus is a win.
  7. Was it really just 20b?

    Thats not even considered a strip, guy. I buy 20b allies before I hit someone just to take a little more money and piss them off. Trust me, CR isn't going to put you in their ca over 20b in allies.
  8. All the crying I did? And where the hell are you getting the idea that I "lost" my clan? You must not have read the thread. Making nebulous "everyone knows" statements only proves that you have no argument.
  9. If it's not a strip, then what is it?
  10. Buying your allies and hitting? Why bother putting resources on you as a strip target over such a small amount of money? Especially when at that amount its more efficient to just attack.

    I'm not trying to be antagonizing here, just being real. These clans deal with strips in the multiple trillions, 20b isn't exactly going to be on their radar.
  11. So it's not a strip?

    Sounds like you're saying it's a strip here, albeit a small one.
  12. @ korean. Instead of worrying about how I enjoy myself playing KaW why don't you worry about yourself? You seem fixated on the events and tribulations of any other player but yourself. If you have become bitter playing KaW, stop's simple. Your posts really don't reflect someone who is having fun, and paramount to everything in KaW is the fun part. Go hit another player. Hit an eb or do something for yourself. Fool
  13.  I'm having fun calling you noobs out on your lies. Also, my track record goes all the way back to nal vs hollow days up to recently kotfe/cr alliance vs AotS. Don't get frustrated when other people post on your thread, you seem to not have an issue when posts are favoring you. I state some obvious facts that were previously all posted on forums. Don't post it in forums than.
  14. It's not what you've done in KaW Korean. Its what you're doing. Nobody cares how far back you go. Are you always this stuck in the past? Maybe try doing something interesting for yourself in KaW now, and maybe just maybe it will be more relevant than your rather sad and pathetic past track record of non events. Halfwit
  15. Isn't that what your doing right now? Btw AotS war very recent, and calling people names such as dimwit doesn't really make your point better. I never said I was a great player, I play the game as I want. I also have my own opinions as you do. I state facts as where you and cheese just correct grammar and try to taunt like 10year olds. Dimwit ?  oh noes, that's the best you can come up with ?
    I know you love being an attention freak, you should like it than.
  16. Hahahahahahahahahahaha 
  17. It's OK, korean. You don't have to admit that you misunderstood my old thread. Just quietly change the subject and jump at every opportunity to pick something else apart - no one will know the difference ;)
  18. Korean you may be heard better if you posted with your main bendangee. I've never once corrected your grammar either, and I called you a halfwit not a dimwit btw.
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