@ I_love_to_farm_you. The power lies in the fun of the fight. The fun of the farm. Build your kingdom over a long time doing ebs. Then play KaW the old fashioned way. I can't lose because this is how I choose to play KaW everyday. I have already won everytime I bait someone or someones into a fight with me. My choice. My rules. My way.
Alison did u not get strip farmed by kotfe and when u had enough u ran to AAH to get them to talk to us about stopping??? Now your hitting CR lmao. Did u hit every branch as you fell out the tree???
@ red-noob. Sorry I've never heard of you. But aah don't run to help me, and I would never run to them for help.
Alison my stats might be crap but i been around even stuck up for you in the past and i remember quite clearely u getting your knickers in a twist being kicked from KotFE by Chuck and pretty sure u ended up running to AAH to get us to stop! But carry on im sure we will all love feeding of you. Before you ask i cant talk on my main as its perm banned
@ red. Your clan kicked me after I burned 5-6 x-tals helping in your war at the time. I would have left if you asked. That's why I attacked you. Chuck pm'd me a cf because he's a KaW gentleman. Not because I ran to aah. God knows I've been a clan target for aah more than once
Alison i have much respect for you because you havent converted to a hansel or pure spy build like other