the farm is coming...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. Love these threads Alison You are truly a legend.
  2. 24$ a day just to make other peoples days a tiny bit inconvenient.
  3. Worth it.
  4. I have noticed a current trend recently... Does anyone actually realize the the dollar sign aka $ goes in front of the corresponding number for example $24 not behind 
  5. Haha i remember this, said i posted too o_O wonder what i said...
  6. Hard to win a fight with Allison. Allison plays for the fun of the fight with nothing to lose.
  7. Go -Alison- wooo

    I love how all of your stories include the line, "so then I started farming him" :lol:
  8. You guys know Allison won't stop she trashed me around for a week before I gave up xD she's relentless and won't stop
  9. I hope you guys know this was from July 2012...
  10. Why do you use so many crystals?
  11. Lol no they don't dumb noobs
  12. Locked, as the thread is now irrelevant.
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