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Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Choccy, May 18, 2016.
SS drops burnt tabbards
Thanks for the help! List updated!
Reck drops hats
Well let's see you make something helpful then, all I see you do is complain :lol:
Was posted on the wrong thread, thought I should put it here in case he didn't notice.
Despair max is 72.
FoD. Scorched Hat @ Angels Landing. Max appears to be 420...looks like we got a stoner dev.
The Summoner drops scorched hat
Where's that "CHOCOLATE?!" Meme with SpongeBob when I need it
Toc is dropping the Burnt Tabard
Battle Royale dropping hat's confirmed at FT Academy Thanks for the hard work Chocolate
The Summoner....scorched hat
TTC drops Tabarbs H-o-n-o-u-r
Wasteland Wilds drops scorched hat
Ts- 671 hats
The list has been updated, only missing six epic battles now!
Thanks again chocolate
Just trying to keep the thread active