The Falcon's Letter Event Drops

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Choccy, May 18, 2016.

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  1. SS drops burnt tabbards
  2. Thanks for the help! List updated! :)
  3. Reck drops hats
  4. Well let's see you make something helpful then, all I see you do is complain :lol:
  5. Was posted on the wrong thread, thought I should put it here in case he didn't notice.
  6. Despair max is 72.
  7. FoD. Scorched Hat @ Angels Landing. Max appears to be 420...looks like we got a stoner dev.
  8. The Summoner drops scorched hat
  9. Where's that "CHOCOLATE?!" Meme with SpongeBob when I need it :p
  10. Toc is dropping the Burnt Tabard
  11. Battle Royale dropping hat's confirmed at FT Academy :) Thanks for the hard work Chocolate :D
  12. The Summoner....scorched hat
  13. TTC drops Tabarbs
  14. Wasteland Wilds drops scorched hat
  15. Ts- 671 hats
  16. The list has been updated, only missing six epic battles now! :)
  17. Thanks again chocolate
  18. Just trying to keep the thread active 
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