The Ethics of in Battle Name Changing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Apr 16, 2013.

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  1. @Jackburton

    Looks like you've never heard of a guild hansel. Even LBers slip up sometimes 
  2. And btw, LB my ass. You are a 6mil cs hansel with 5 allies... That does not get u an LB spot
  3. We did make a costly mistake...or two, that cost us. Respect to you and your clan on a well deserved win!
  4. 78bil of allies and less battle wins than I. Hmmmm
  5. Oh. Nvm. Wrong player
  6. Though adam as well is DEFINITELY not LB
  7. Cant you track through roster numbers?
  8. Nobody said that you were terrible warriors. However, if you honestly feel that it gives no strategic advantage, then why do it?
  9. Hmmm, so we should ask our military not to wear camo too? Names are a type of camo, one can "hide" behind this camo to "blend" the line and confuse the enemy, I believe it's perfectly fine to have "camo" , be it names, or high BFA.
    Funny the whiner's are usually the losers ! Butt hurt much?
  10. I would have to agree with you on this topic, It is kinda a cheesy tactic too try to throw off your trackers and timers. Everyone will argue this is war and yes it is ,any loophole or exploit to be found there going to use it .I personally like to be an individual ,not a bar code or anything to match my fellow clan mates. Every war learning to adapt to these new guerrilla type warfare is something we all are getting used too. Even better is to let them spend there money and change there names and beat them anyways,with sticking with your game plan and communicating with your team. I guess what I am getting too is that being an individual and not being a conformist is the way i roll.. :|

    Happy warring to all the clans in this tournament , :)
  11. The portion for the trackers is really not the issue. Our trackers are top notch and I wouldn't trade them for anyone. The biggest issue i see with name changes and barcodes are from a "reporting of incoming" perspective and identifying xstallers. When a player is ko'd, then xstals and starts hitting someone, if that player just changed their name immediately before the xstal to a barcode name similar to those in their clan, it makes it almost impossible to report who is hitting you before it's too late. Or maybe I just suck and should quit playing altogether.
  12. Exactly, and like the tower build advantage, is this something that should be removed from the game?
  13. Thanks for nothing.
  14. I know you are but what am I?
  15. ^Immature enough to say that. ._.
  16. What do you mean heights are different? And what if you are on Idevice or Pc? But smart strategy? I can see that anything that can provide a tactical advantage would be considered "smart" and I agree with that. But so was upgrading after mathcups and kicking people midwar, and those were eliminated, so why wouldn't this be?
  17. Ethics of waiting until someones inactive and farming with a group is worse and that's the way so called vets get there kicks name changing is nothing clan roster should be noted down before start anyway just note down owners equip whatever u can to identify enemy clan, but no way to avoid cowardly groups stripping a inactive, a view I've always had but there u go lol
  18. Then why don't the Devs just make it so you can use unlimited xstals? It seems as though they limited that which effects their money flow.
  19. FF option has been removed.
  20. PC makes it so easy to see barcodes its not even funny :(
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