The Ethics of in Battle Name Changing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Apr 16, 2013.

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  1. This is a strategy game. Not one where you prove who is the bigger man.
  2. Yes, on it's own it does little. But a combination strategy can confuse and disintegrate the temporary lead another clan may have. For example, if the clan members change names, then kick several Alts from clan, the roster is changed and there is a few minutes or less of difficulty for the trackers as they struggle to regain the players.
  3. Farr, worms don't kick midwar.. Because you cannot kick until after the war is over. :lol:

  4. you can no longer kick players from clan - that was dealt with by devs and rightly so.

    you can no longer upgrade after war lock - and rightly so

    you can no longer buy excessive amounts of allies after match up - and rightly so

    But perhaps this issue is different? I realize it makes the devs money (and money they do deserve for making a great game - but is it necessary? Answer for some clans - "yes")
  5. Sounds like a buthurt noob tired of losing
  6. I was thinking of the old system exploits. :lol: I think my tactics are a little out dated.
  7. I can tell you 0 clans have beaten us because of a barcode or mid-war name change. If a clan wants to drop more real money into kaw ,because they have no other strategy , it has my total support . 
    Maybe the devs will use the money for some awesome game improvements . 

  8. I will tell you that not just "no strategy clans" but now those w a genuine strategy are stooping to this new low. The clan we just faced did this - and they did have a very good strategy too. While our trackers were on the ball all night long, the combination of the two was effective. We lost (more due to some of our own issues that this one) but I really want to get a feel for people out there through this thread. Is this an acceptable practice or do some people still war w respect?
  9. Learn to track better .. I hate that people are insinuating that they are more honorable warriors because they don't barcode. It's guerrilla warfare. No one anymore stands out in the wide open during a battle why would I do it here.
  10. Don't worry because its this simple... It's not a sustainable practice. Who in their right mind is going to spend hard earned money on name changes for 12 wars a week. The money spent would easily put them on leaderboard.
    It's a passing fad, omets did clone names before EE existed. Clans are trying everything they can to get an edge. But again.. If its not an edge that can last then there's no advantage.
  11. I think a simple solution for it is having the rename option be unavailable once you wave for war. I can understand (to a degree) the mentality of wanting every edge possible to win. The problem is without SOME structure the game play suffers. This is a game, not the Hunger Games. If you lose here you don't die and shouldn't get to hide behind the blanket cop out of "I did what I had to do. Don't like it, tough." Games have rules and structure. Currently we aren't allowed to use more then 2 crystals per war. We also can't keep adding people to the roster after a certain point. If it is a matter of "all is fair in love and war" or "the "devs make money" then lets just throw the only 2 rules we do have out the window. I'll blow through 500 crystals a war so the devs make plenty of money and we can have a world class recruiter to keep adding players to the roster through out the 2 hours of war. If your wallet isn't as thick as mine to afford to keep up then that is just too bad. All is fair and love and war, amirite?
  12. I don't usually speak in forums but I will address same today - I was ill so did not take part in the match - when I play I fight as myself win or lose. So 25% of clan changed names - if your tracker is using a clan roster vs war roster it means diddly squash!!! Our clan has played numerous barcodes and many clans - And we have never posted the rubbish I see here today - General's, gifted tracker's and players and team effort following carefully laid out strategy win wars period. You put up the same players against the same players that played last night and guess what - you lose again. Names did not win it - strategy did!!! Never have I posted or eluded to cowardice on another players wall or in forums - this game is in a state of continual change - My clan had a streak of losses and after each loss talked about changes in builds and strategy and we don't take last nights win for granted - we adapt and we have something we adhere to: We do not forfeit, win or lose say thanks for the war!! on opponents walls - we do not need to ask forums if we are right or wrong or someone fouled us - at the end of the day we know who we are. My name is Chenny and I'm Champions Corp - see you around!!!
  13. Loved the hunger games reference. Guess that's kinda how I feel at times - playing "respectfully" while others "do everything necessary." I have no issues having a name change every regen or xstal - just throwing it out there if any clan starts the name change w us - we will fight fire w fire. But I'd much rather face off respecting each other.
  14. I am noticing a trend that this is mostly DE members. I would also dare to speculate that it had to due to a recent loss they suffered. Learn from the loss because currently it is not against the rules to do this. There are methods to make this name change ineffective find one that works for you.
  15. Was your name Chenny - before or after name change :) j/k. Note - this is NOT just an issue w you clan - as you have seen - I am NO WHERE here bringing your clan name into the mix - you did that ;) You all had a sweet strategy and I learned much from warring w ya! But have little respect for name changes that I see happening ACROSS kaw during/before war matches - the whole purpose of this thread - as stated on page 1 is to find out if I'm in the dark ages on this war stuff. I am not and have not brought your clan into this discussion - you did. I've seen this trending w our ally clans and don't like it there either. I'm stating my general sentiments for this and asking for feedback - plain and simple.
  16. I am not looking to make this a thread against any particular clan - I'm trying to deal w something I've seen trending in kaw ewars (check out our allied clans - they do it too and I disapprove). Let's return to my initial question as I am endeavoring to listen to what players across kaw think about this issue: from the start,

    "Perhaps it is that I'm wrong in this thought - what do you think? Is it wrong to have people changing names 2 min before war and perhaps a few times during war? OR is the old saying "all's fair in love and war" hold true here? Please give answer and reasoning - thx in advance ;)"
  17. As the general of last nights war all I can say is u guys were as hard as nails to beat. U made one mistake that I could see but it was a really close war... Every respect to you and your clan  till next time friend.

  18. I have respect to each player on your team and you all did a sweet job - watch out for champions corps - they're coming for us all! But I do have less respect for what I would have to call "below the belt tactics" - you guys didn't need it w your sweet strategy (my lips are sealed). Why did you have to sour any victory by that kind of conduct - or again, am I in the dark ages. Really this thread is more for my understanding from players across kaw - not just between our clans (though that is appreciated as well).

    Sry I'm posting so much in my own thread - maybe I'll just shut up...I'm not trying to keep this topic "bumped to the top." Looking for resolve in my own thinking is all :ugeek:
  19. All is fair... If clans want to spend their money that way and it's within the rules go for it. I can say fear hand the clan we warred yesterday changed names mid war and it didn't phase us like I said. You can still track it just takes more effort
  20. If y'all think the barcode technique is not an issue if you have good strategy, why are you defending it so much. Is it because you rely on it to win?
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