The epic tale of heroic adventurers

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXP_3Xx_StormWolf_xXP_3Xx, Jan 10, 2015.

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  1. Where did awesome me go?
  2. Dude. You said that my awesome twin would be there. And he would shoot Arnicolas Shwartzacage in the tit.
  3. Not so soon Buddy 
  4. you finally inserted the part I wrote about the narrarator fight!:D
  5. DAMMIT BALTO! Stop quoting entire chapters 
  6. Don't lock yet I have an idea 0.0
  7. /lock this please
  8. I am the only one who may /lock this thread, save if I breach the ToU or something. And it happens I already said /lock. So... Your post is irrelevant.

    What is it Balto?
  9. What happened to the /lock? 0.0
  10. Lol wasn't this like at the bottom of Page 7 on active topics?
  11. The spam is real...
  12. Locked per OP request
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