Great story and well told. Contained everything i love in a good story. Heroes and villains, a journey of discovery, friendships and betrayals and finally triumph against adversity. Congratulations to all those who got their various feather targets and those who got their special banners!
glad you all liked it. Know also that i used the forum kit to get those pngs. They worked better than i hoped.
So your impressed because you where the best eb fairies for May? Congrats on winning the special Olympics
This was a very riveting read. It's awesome to see the amount of organization and devotion that goes on in clans to reach a goal like this. Also, good work using the forum fan kit
Reading this is really your priority right now? not responding to the outrage of the community about the bomb u dropped yesterday on ee warriors? shouldnt the devs know how we did it? shouldnt you have picked up on the fact that only two clans even seriously competed in this event when reviewing the numbers? no wonder yoy messed up the drop rates amd gabe banner out to everyone. You clearly have no idea whats going on in your own game. If only you played your own game youd be big enough to farm into oblivion. Then again maybe if you played it you wouldnt come up with kneejerk reactions amd bandaid solutions that dont come close to addressing the real issues...
Thank you B2B_united for allowing me to join you during the tour. I couldn't be on for the end final push do to work travel but I wouldn't have missed a minute of the time I spent getting to know all of your kind hearts. Please call on me if you ever need anything.
Beautifully written and entertaining. B2B is a special family, and it's nice to know there are clans who aren't 100% out for themselves in this greedy world. And Panda, you definitely deserve your Valiant Blue.
Thank you for the feedback. Just so you all know. In The aftermath of it all. This has turned into a osw among several players. Amazingly it has lasted a long while. Once the dust settles and i get a better feedback of it all ill add the current osw to main post just for record keeping. Happy kawing
Solid effort to you guys, it really shows that some clans will travel to the end and back for loyal members. Congrats on your banners, it's probably time to get some sleep and earn back the money spent on Piggies.