Lol.. the special winner for having 1k moth randomed... Is an inactive account that got the 1k free moths XD
Devs, How about dev you address the complaints about you bringing the finish of a one month event fwd with 1 days notice? Page 50 of your original event thread. You introduced a new rule to cut off drops at an exact time rather than allow active ebs to finish and get the drops they earned. This disadvantages players and is unlike previous events. Devs ended this earlier than their original post advised "through january 14th" disadvantagig those chasing the next level relevant to them...and you did it with insufficient notice. You have not answered the challenge? Any player that invested real life money chasing the next level that just missed out deserves their money back due to you changing the rules without adequate notice for players to manage their spend decisions. Your continued silence is dissappointing. .
@md you do realize there are more time zones than just yours ? There are six in the US alone, 24 globally. So what marks the end of the day for you may be the beginning of the next day for someone else. ATA doesn't cater to your time zone alone. And by the way, did the items that money was spent on "for this event" also expire with it? If not, it's not money "wasted" is it ?