The End of the Hive Approaches

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. @KaW_Community

    You should HIGHLY consider doing what inferno proposedafter hornets stop dropping at 12pm PDT on the 15th y'all should make all the hornets we have remaining combine into swarms a if any left over after forming swarms, just let those either fly away or reward 5 psion for every extra 200 hornets that did not form a swarm as they fly away and drop their stashed psion
  2. pretty sure the amnouncement said they would.convert
  4. Due to the fact that I did like 100 hives and got nothing but a few psion sometimes I can only give you bad feedback.
    Some lucky guys got all the rings and have good equipment now while some players like me who gave all their best are left without anything.
    If you run such an event please ensure all players are able to get rewards. I'm really fed up of your events. And really disappointed of your work, devs.
  5. After event will you be able to enchant rings with aqua and inferno?
  6. No sword already been answered.
  7. if we have multiple rings can we equip them down below?
  8. @Kaw admins if your going to do events do them likethe fang,mith,feather,and egg hunts but tell us stats before we do it. It would be much better that way.

    I still have my dragon eggs.-.
  9. What should I do with those unenchanted rings ? Please improve PLAYABILITY of KAW game. Thks
  10. Down below? You mean like **** rings?
  11. Good job
  12. can the left over items turn into psims?
  13. At this point I would just like to be able to upgrade my honeycomb ring so I don't feel like I've wasted my time.

    I've done so many Lure EBs and have only received 5 psions, if I get psion drops, every damn time -.-
  14. Wow such whining, what's the point in everyone getting the rare ring drop :roll: wouldn't be rare then would it :lol:
  15. I didn't get anything lol
  16. All the sheeple blindly listening to rules that don't make sense and defending their deb's. Grow some and use some logic instead of letting other think for you. I pity you weak minded people..... joke I have no pity. :p
  17. Please extend the event devs!! I wanna ring!!!
  18. You say we will have until Monday to use our remaining swarms, plural. Does that mean swarms will form in the absence of hornet drops, or by swarms you mean everyone collectively? I haven't seen an answer here from kaw just player speculation. Please answer this if you could.
  19. How about increasing ring drop rates? That's what really matters. There's no point in psion if you don't have the ring you want to upgrade.
  20. Devs I didn't get any of the best eq in the last event! because I didn't put in Any effort! Please redo the last event to make up for my ignorance!

    -you guys sound like this