The End of the Great Quetzal Hunt

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 7, 2014.

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  1. Someone got their banner
  2. Rewards will be late. They always are. They never meet their deadlines. Just expect to get them by the end of the month so you can be pleasantly surprised if you get it by the 25th.
  3. Equipment has starting going out, a guy is showing off his banner in wc :)
  4. Oh my, the rewards are out, were fonna see real noob tears now 
  5. [​IMG] is this their big button? 
  6. Wow that's there final joke lmao that's abysmal!!!
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahaha
  8. Still no rearward for me yet 
  9. heh
  10. Lmao, well, time for noob tears, *grabs popcorn* that equip is beautiful :lol:
  11. All the war people are saying it sucks. Well no crap, EB equipment has never been better than war. :lol:
  12. So people complained about rewards being late when they weren't. So a re you going to be thankful to them now? Nope because there's no gratitude in this community.
  13. Oh my god i'm crying,  this eq is so bad at lvl 10. I bet it fails like crazy
  14. My banner worth nothing. Boots and crown- not worth having. Great. What a joke
  15. ok now you can give us the proper stats for the eq
  16. Devs messing up eq stats? How unexpected
  17. how is it with a business your expected to meet your deadlines and with kaw has next to a zero % chance of being on time and they think it's okay? is Canadian businesses different then the rest of earth..... if so why?
  18. Rewards are going out now, it may take a while before they reach everyone.
  19. Seriously? Highest equips from event Are NOT High enough :(
  20. Just to add some "noob tears", god this equip is horrendous.
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