The End of the Great Quetzal Hunt

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 7, 2014.

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  1. When the clock strikes 12:01 PST in an hour and 27 minutes then you can complain.
  2. Funny how you people don't pay attention, 48 hours are not up for another hour and a half. Stop being impatient.
  3. Everyone get their rage comment written and proof's almost time!
  4. People will never stop being impatient.
  5. They aren't late they still have like an hour and a half
  6. It's 10:36 PST. Event ended 12:00 PST. We have more than an hour left.
  7. Lol are we going to count down now every minute?
  8. Make rewards come quicker
  9. I'm sure devs are sitting behind their computers laughing at everyone. Because all they need to do is hit a button and everyone gets their rewards... I can just picture them running up to the button then going nah and running away from the button lol.. """ it's my turn to push da button"""..
  10. I'm just here to inform down to the second when people are off. I'm waiting for the Devs to postpone further. :lol:
  11. You have 1 hour and 20 minutes!
  12. My turn to push da button.. Lol
  13. One hour and 18 minutes.
  14. They're probably standing over the rewards button drinking coffee and laughing .. 
  15. Wouldn't it be funny if they responded and said that's exactly what they are doing lol .. Hahahahahah ill laugh my butt off
  16. Probably out drinking early.
  17. Dad I think he's going to p$$$ Why do I think 48 hrs is going to come and go
  18. Equip is seriously bad, I mean damn its bad
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